Judging by the before and after photos, Aguilera's breast size was small when she began her career while now they seem noticeably bigger and rounder than before, going from an A-cup to a C-cup.
During her pregnancy of her son and after giving birth to him, her breast size grew to an E-cup. After a while, they went down in size and there was some estimation that she had the breast implants removed.
On the other hand, we should take into consideration that since Christina has stopped nursing (and as a result she lost at least most of her baby weight), her reduction in breast size could also likely be attributed to her body returning to its normal state.
It has to be mentioned that according to Aguilera, her large breasts reportedly grew to a gargantuan E-cup during her pregnancy and are still looking so full and high that she may need to have a breast lift in the near future.
Christina Aguilera has not publicly admitted to having any cosmetic surgery procedures. Of course her breasts may have grown due to getting older and having her son or she may have just enjoyed a healthy diet and exercise plan after the birth of her son.
The question is: "What plastic surgeon experts believe about Christina Aguilera's breast implants?"
Plastic surgeon Anthony Youn was quoted as saying: "She does appear to have had a breast augmentation in the past, which has assisted in creating her more mature, adult look. She has recovered from the more "Dirrty" image of a few years ago, partly because her breast implants are not too big for her body."
Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer explained: "It is typical for moms to experience a loss of breast volume following breast feeding; however, Christina's breasts are significantly smaller. It appears that she most likely exchanged her breast implants for smaller ones. Even the most significant post-baby breast changes shouldn't decrease several cup sizes."
OcBody plastic surgeon Dr John Di Saia noted: "She stopped breast feeding or just got past her pregnancy and the hormonal changes you see with it. Her natural breast tissue was formerly stimulated and enlarged. Now as it is shrinking, her cup size and "perkiness" are shrinking with it."
Manhattan plastic surgeon Dr Jennifer Walden revealed: "Christina Aguilera's breasts do seem a bit smaller in recent pictures, but she has also slimmed down significantly since the birth of her son. Breasts become so naturally enlarged during pregnancy with milk, that it may very likely be involution or the normal physiologic downsizing of the breasts that happens once the baby is born and mom has stopped breastfeeding."
What do you think? Did Christina Aguilera have breast implants?
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